my secret to dry fondant toppers

My secret to dry fondant toppers

my secret to dry fondant toppers

Today I want to tell you my secret to dry fondant toppers…

although I have already told you about it before in this post: how to dry fondant toppers.

Since I found it out, it made a difference. I can model calmly, without being stressed or overwhelmed because it is raining outside and there is humidity or because the toppers is not dry in time.

I’m talking about a dehumidifier. It is an appliance, but don’t worry, there are very cheap ones. It is important not to confuse it with the food dehydrator. That appliance dries food.


When I changed my studio room, I found that the figures took longer to dry. And it was because the room was much more humid.


I tried to add more CMC to the figures, to use modeling paste … and in the end, the humidity of my figures wasn’t reduced. They took a long time to dry.


I leave you the video option as always:

So I did some research on the internet, and I decided to get a dehumidifier. And since then I have noticed how the environment is drier and the figures take much less time to dry.


This appliance filters the air and absorbs all the moisture in the environment. So it doesn’t matter if it’s raining outside. This work environment is not affected.


Fondant is still in perfect condition: it does not stick to my hands.



Bea, but the humidity doesn’t affect me …” It doesn’t affect me too much either. In Madrid the climate is quite dry all year round, but your figures do have humidity.


Remember that fondant is soft and moldable because it has moisture. When it hardens, it is because it has dried, it has lost the moisture it had inside.


This is mine

Also continue using CMC or modeling paste. By itself, it would take twice as long. But let me tell you, it’s wonderful.


 I bought mine on Amazon and it is small,  half a liter of water, since my workshop is very small,. If you work in a larger or more humid location, you may need a larger one or turn it on for a longer time.


 In conclusion, you will continue working in the same way as before, but it will ensure that your toppers dry in less time, so you can work more calmly and without stress due to the weather.

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